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Sunday 19 December 2010

Sweeney Design


Here is some of my work in infographics, a leaflet and poster with a zombie apocalypse survival theme. I enjoyed creating these infographics and would love to get the opportunity to work with infographics again.

The brief was to create an A3 infographic poster and an infographic leaflet, so I started to look at examples of the uses of infographics and found that they were commonly used for editorial and educational purposes, and almost always featured charts, graphs, diagrams, signs and symbols. With this knowledge I started to look at different themes I could use and I soon found that the subject of survival offered a chance to dig into infographic work. After extensively experimenting with different survival disasters and medical first aid guides, I started to think about using Zombie Apocalypse as a theme for my infographic work, because I thought it would be interesting to create a factual survival guide to a fictional horror subject.

I then produced three drafts for the poster and leaflet whilst I was developing my ideas experimenting with a variety of drawings and charts and graphs, after some thorough development work I found that the best way to create infographic for this subject would be to use diagrams with labelling. I think this method makes the information visual as well as legible and is more appealing to an audience or reader.

I believe the final artworks are of high quality and I am very pleased with the standard as It is my first attempt at producing infographic work and I can only improve from now on and I look forward to future projects.